Breathtaking Clip Captures Massive Tree House Built By Indonesian Tribe
The Korowai tribe, which lives in the jungle of West Papua, reportedly lives in massive treehouses a hundred or more feet off the forest floor....
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The Korowai tribe, which lives in the jungle of West Papua, reportedly lives in massive treehouses a hundred or more feet off the forest floor....
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Read moreWhen you live in the snow belt, the first snowfall is "just another day." However, the day can be magical if you've never seen snow....
Read moreAlthough incredibly dangerous, lightning can also be an incredibly beautiful part of nature. Take, for example, a type that is called rainbow lightning. There are...
Read moreWe've talked about people who collect rocks and visited with a dog who carried a favorite stick on a 14-mile hike. People also collect all sorts of cute and...
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Read moreFamilies flock to the Disney and Universal Studios theme parks in Orlando, Florida. The amusement parks maintain a focus on family entertainment and inclusiveness, which...
Read moreIce skaters are amazing. Despite how much skill and effort it takes to perform, the best ones make it seem as though it's easy. But...
Read moreIf you live in a larger city, odds are, you are quite accustomed to spotting airplanes in the sky. That said, none are ever quite...
Read moreNo matter where you live, there are certain natural events to be aware of, like tornadoes and wildfires. Then there are places like Iceland. Here,...
Read moreJane Eastman is the true definition of an explorer, often giving folks on social media glimpses into her adventures. These adventures lead to fantastic discoveries...
Read moreHumuhumunukunukuāpuaʻa is a seafood and steakhouse restaurant in Wailea on the island of Maui in Hawaii. The name is difficult to pronounce because of its...
Read moreVolcanoes are one of the most fascinating wonders of the world. They could sit silently for years, then, hot lava suddenly flows. An Icelandic volcano...
Read moreYou never know what you will see out on the water. There are all sorts of interesting creatures out there — though, we would prefer...
Read moreEvery fisherman wants to land a trophy catch. The fish photo opportunity happens on the boat when you're out with Big Waters Guide Service because...
Read moreWhat do you imagine when you think about the pyramids in Egypt? Because odds are, the reality of experiencing these pyramids in person is much...
Read moreQuadro International's SHERP utility task vehicles are designed for multiple functions. The company, headquartered in Kyiv, Ukraine, spent 20 years perfecting the SHERP All-Terrain Vehicles...
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