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Touching Moment On Busy NYC Subway Will Melt Your Heart!

A heartwarming moment on subway when a man and young boy connect.

The New York City subway system enjoys distinction as one of the oldest in the world. With 472 stations and 27 lines, it is also one of the largest. More than 5.5 million passengers travel along the NYC subway each day! With people rushing to and from, seeing a heartwarming moment on the subway is the last thing you might expect!

These types of moments are not unheard of. In Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, a group of soccer players had a “Baby Shark” sing-along with a small girl. In New York, a bystander caught a tender moment between two elderly passengers. Although we know these heartwarming moments happen, we never expect our subway ride to reveal one.

In a heartwarming moment on the subway, a young boy watches a man play a game on his phone.
Image from YouTube.

Kia Tatiyana Davis was riding on a train across from this young boy and his mom. Noting the dreamy stare of the young man, she began recording. The man staring at his phone seems oblivious to the young eyes as they watch him. Suddenly, the man notices, and the two share eye contact. What the man does next leads to a heartwarming moment, and your heart will melt.

In a heartwarming moment on the subway, a young boy and a man make eye contact.
Image from YouTube.

After a few words we can’t hear, the man unplugs his earphones and shows the screen to his young watcher. What he does next almost made Kia cry while she continued filming this heartwarming moment on the subway.

Two frames showing a heartwarming moment on the subway when a man shares his phone with a young boy.
Image from YouTube.

These two passengers, strangers before this fateful ride, share a heartwarming moment on the subway that will inspire many. As you watch the entire video, think about how you would respond in this instance. Would you share your game with this young boy? I know many of you, given a chance, would share, and that gives me hope for the future!

You can find the source of this story’s featured image here.

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