Combat Vet Decides To Take His Own Life, While Having 1 Last Smoke A Noise Stops Him Cold.

Josh Marino, a combat veteran, returned from the front only to find himself in the biggest battle yet… one for his very life.

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One night, the struggles of dealing with what he had been through, became too much for him to handle. So he wrote a letter to his family and went outside to smoke one last cigarette before ending his life.

But at that moment, Marino heard a small noise coming from the bushes nearby and he stopped short.

Out walked a tiny, black and white kitten.


“He just walked up and started rubbing up against my leg and let me pet him, I broke down crying, burst into tears. Maybe he knew there was something I couldn’t quite handle.â€

In that moment, something inside Marino’s heart began to shift.


Every day, Marino fed the kitten and spent a few moments outside with him… but one day the kitten, who Marino had named Scout, was no where to be found.

After realizing the impact the little cat had on his life, Marino and his girlfriend decided to adopt.


When he arrived at the animal shelter, there was one face amongst the many kittens that he suddenly recognised; it was Scout.

“All of a sudden a little black and white paw shoots out from a crate and starts smacking me in my left arm,”he said. “I looked inside, it is the same little black and white cat. I opened up that cage, and I pulled him out, and I held him tight.â€


Marino officially adopted Scout on the spot and brought him home. Marino still has a long road to walk toward his recovery, but little Scout will be there every day to help him.

Check out more on their story in the video below!

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