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Can You Guess Who This Jack Black Fan Randomly Saw On Her Commute?

Jack Black is spotted standing outside a gas station.

There are plenty of reasons to love Jack Black. His sweet personality and hilarious sense of humor seem to shine through both on and off the screen! Although most people would probably be pretty excited to spot this comedian in the wild, one fan was especially thrilled. What made it even better was that the sighting was so random!

This woman just happened to be riding in the car with her boyfriend when she spotted someone who looked like the celebrity outside of a gas station. She zoomed in on the bearded man and, sure enough, it was Jack Black! He appeared to be looking at his phone while listening to something on headphones.


I’d recognize that swag anywhere #jackblack

♬ Peaches – Jack Black

“When you manifested the ONE person you ALWAYS said you’d get starstruck over just walking down the street on your usual weekend commute,” she wrote over the footage.

In her caption, the fan added, “I’d recognize that swag anywhere,” referring to the comedian’s fun and colorful outfit.

Fans are loving this hilarious video.

Commenters on the woman’s post loved the Jack Black sighting, but they weren’t at all surprised. Apparently, the actor has a penchant for being spotted in the most random places!

“I saw a post once that said Jack Black is the only human who can show up anywhere and you never need context,” wrote one user. “Truer words have never been spoken.”

Jack Black is spotted standing outside a gas station.
Screengrab from TikTok

Another added, “Me and my bf ran into Jack Black on our second date and my bf fist bumped him like they were old friends. I was so impressed lol.”

A third said, “I saw him 3 years ago on the side of the road at a high school in genuinely the exact same outfit he’s an enigma I’m obsessed.”

These are all pretty great stories. Keep popping up in random places, Jack Black — we love it!

You can find the source of this story’s featured image here.

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