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Professor Shares Student’s Adorable Excuse For Missing Their Meeting & The Proof Is Precious

Close up of a baby duck inside a tree

It’s important to always show up for planned meetings and events on time — unless you have a very good reason. As a professor at a university, Dr. Victoria Austen has likely seen just about every excuse in the book. Still, she’s never gotten one quite like this before. At the time, she was expecting to meet with a student during her office hours. As their time together quickly approached, however, she received an email asking to reschedule. The cause? A baby duck in need of their help.

“I was planning to come to office hours today but on my way I found myself in a situation of saving a baby duck,” Vicky says the student’s email reads, “so can I schedule another time to meet?”

A baby duck rests among leaves inside a tree

As if that email wasn’t great enough, Vicky says they attached the above photo as proof. Seeing how adorable this tiny duck is inside that tree, how could anyone blame the student for taking the time to help!? Luckily, Vicky was very understanding of this duck emergency. In fact, she loves that her student would take the time to help out an animal in need.

Caring Student Cancels Meeting With Professor to Help Save a Baby Duck

“10/10. No notes,” Vicky writes, rating the student’s excuse. “Also, the email subject line was ‘Whoops and Ducks.'”

After this post went viral, folks from all over shared how much they love this student’s kindness. Some even made sure that Vicky actually did reschedule for the student. In turn, we find out even more endearing information on this sweet student.

“The best part is that there never was a scheduled meeting to begin with!” Vicky explains. “They were just going to drop into office hours, but emailed because now they would need an alternate time to come by.”

You can find the source of this story’s featured image here!

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