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15 Celebrity Encounters That Prove These Stars Are Even Cooler IRL

Being a celebrity comes with huge pluses and minuses.

On one hand, celebrities are rich and instantly recognizable wherever they go. On the other hand, they’re instantly recognizable wherever they go! The people below all bumped into a star “in the wild” and had an overwhelmingly positive experience. It’s nice to know that some of our favorite famous people are just as nice in person as they appear to be!

1. Paul and Linda McCartney were delightful, obviously.

“Paul and Linda McCartney once came into a restaurant I was hostess at. I greeted him and his wife, led them to their reserved table, said my lines and left. When they were leaving he leaned towards me and thanked me for treating him like a normal person. He knew I knew who he was because Linda had said that she loved my necklace. It was a yellow submarine from the Beatles album.” – Qlily on Reddit

2. A very magical Daniel Radcliffe encounter.

“Met him in Vancouver Canada when he came here randomly. I was working at a bar he dropped by. Super chill guy. Took a photo with quite a few people, but I never got one because I was too shy to ask him. He seemed to be very genuine, and not over-excessive with his money. He wore pretty simple clothes as well, I think like a regular plaid shirt and jeans.” – thedreaminggoose on Reddit.

3. Tony Bennett is a man of the people.

“Tony Bennett made us put our tools down and go eat dinner at a venue we were doing electrical work at.” – tIGER-botHeSh on Reddit

4. Jim Carrey knows a cool guy when he meets one.

“Jim Carrey gave me a ride to the gas station after my car ran out of gas in Bel Aire. I told him I was a huge fan of Ace Ventura and I could mimic his laugh from the movie. Then we both had our heads out the window cackling away. He bought my gas and drove me back to my car. One of the greatest moments in my life.” – Granadafan on Reddit

5. Yet another account of Keanu Reeves being amazing to his fans.

“I remember seeing him while walking through New York a long time ago when I was a young, probably very annoying pre-teen. I yelled out, ‘Yo, Neo!’ And then I obnoxiously mimicked the bullet dodge motion from The Matrix. He looked back at me, laughed, and mirrored the same move in acknowledgement.

It’s such a great memory because I feel like anyone would have been justified in getting annoyed and shrugging this stupid kid off, but instead he was a good sport and humored me. I’ll never forget it.” – MrMandu on Reddit

6. Margot Robbie is sweet and down-to-earth.

“I work at a restaurant in NYC, first time I served here I treated her like a normal person, didn’t acknowledge that she was famous or anything like that although she is probably my number one crush of all time. I was really nervous to even talk to her to be quiet honest. Her and her boyfriend were EXTREMELY personable we talked about the rangers for a bit and kind of chit chatted.

She paid the bill, left a very generous tip and told me I created an outstanding dining experience and asked if they could talk to my manager. One of the biggest compliment boosts of my life. They come back and I wait on them often, I would nearly consider us friends now as we are on a first name basis.” – j_rod9 on Reddit

7. Jack Black always takes the time to chat with fans, both young and old.

“We passed him walking down a street in LA. My daughter says, ‘I swear that’s Jack Black!’ We doubted her so she yells (he’s about 10 yards away) ‘hey are you Jack Black?’ He stops, turns around and says ‘I am.’ Then he walked back up to our group, took a picture with my kids, chatted with my husband about Judas Priest (my hubby was wearing their latest tour shirt) and signed autographs. I was with a group of six tweens/teens and he engaged everyone of them in a conversation. So very cool.” – jbarinsd on Reddit

8. Nelly is kind and polite in person.

“Was able to meet him a few times. Each time he always gave me a hug. He also called elders Sir & Ma’am. Very nice guy!” – Sunchris on Reddit

9. Tony Hawk always keeps it real.

“I met him at a Modest Mouse concert in Hollywood. I told him thanks for introducing me to awesome music through his video games and he laughed. Nicest dude ever and such an awesome ambassador for skateboarding.” – DylanLaika on Reddit

10. Retta is everything you thought she was, and more.

“Retta (the person who played Donna on Parks and Rec) came by my school last year for stand up. She was extremely nice and easy to work with. She took pictures with everyone and autographs, even though her knees were bad that day. Apparently she also gave the person in charge of the event her complimentary bottle of wine that the hotel gave her.” – anonymous on Reddit

11. Rebel Wilson showed up with treats for everyone.

“She bought our entire team chocolate covered Oreos (chocolate crack for people on the breakfast shift) and was making the whole team laugh off air. Arrived early for her segment, greeted everyone, and was generally a blast to hang out with.” – phantompath on Reddit

12. Tim Tebow always walks the walk.

“Incredibly humble and genuinely enjoyed being around and helping out. All behind closed doors with no press. Huge smile on his face and he did most of the heavy lifting for the charity event.” – BoldTitan on Reddit

13. Michael Douglas is just a regular guy.

“He’s a huge UCSB basketball fan and my school played his on our home court. He was in the stands and word got around. Once the game was over people started approaching him to sign their ticket stubs. He was as patient and cool as could be. He must have signed at least 100 autographs (myself included) and was really nice. I thought it was very nice of him to do that and I’ve always had a positive impression of him.” – PosterToBeNamedLater on Reddit

14. Craig Robinson is even cooler than his character on “The Office.”

“The other day my mom ran into Craig Robinson in Irvine right after she saw him do some standup or something. She said he was the nicest most friendly dude and he gave her a big bear hug.” – Meexely on Reddit

15. Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson appreciates those who help his family out.

“My brother had taken up a job mowing the lawn and doing other landscape work for an older lady. She seemed sweet and kindly, always talking about her son, and how he had helped pay for this lovely house and so on. She never mentioned her son by his name, and my brother never made any connection, since Johnson is a fairly common last name.

One day, he’s there, mowing the grass when he noticed a big, decked out Escalade pull up to the house; blacked out windows, the works. He focuses on his work, and doesn’t see who gets out and goes into the house, has headphones on, so he doesn’t hear much between his music and the walk-behind lawn mower. He feels a tap on his shoulder, turns around, and sees none other than The Rock standing there. Dwanye thanked him for helping his mom out with the yard work, and gave my brother $200 like it’s nothing, and that was that.” – anonymous on Reddit

As if we needed more reasons to love these celebrities! Don’t forget to share!

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