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Woman Finds Vintage Purse While Thrifting & The Note Inside Almost Brings Her To Tears

Close up of a black vintage purse that someone is holding. Text on the image reads: Your loved ones are with you everywhere.

Losing a loved one is never easy. No matter how much time passes, there seems to always be something that will remind you of them. Although this can be sad, at times, it can also bring great comfort. This is something many of us experience, but these moments aren’t usually quite like the one that Abrielle Clausing had when she found a note in a vintage purse. She shares the story of this miraculous moment on social media.

In the post, Abrielle explains that her dad passed away on January 13, 2021 from Covid. This loss, as you can imagine, was incredibly difficult on this young woman. A little over three years have passed since that terrible day, but she’s still hit with waves of grief from time to time.

A man smiles brightly as he holds a small cup of ice cream in one hand and a small wooden utensil to eat it in the other. Text on the image reads: January 13, 2021 my dad passed away from Covid.

As a result, she and her sister will sometimes spend these especially difficult moments together. During one particularly hard “grief week,” as Abrielle calls it, they decided to go shopping. This was a fitting choice for a few reasons.

“My sister and I decided to go thrifting, and I told her I wanted to find a vintage Fossil brand purse,” Abrielle shares. “My dad loved the thrift and finding a good deal.”

Close up of a photograph that someone is holding. In the photo is Abrielle when she was a kid, along with her dad. They're sitting in a living room and smiling. 

Text on the image: I was having a particularly hard grief week. My sister and I decided to go thrifting, and I told her I wanted to find a vintage Fossil brand purse. My dad loved the thrift and finding a good deal.

As luck would have it, Abrielle ended up finding a vintage Fossil brand purse that she absolutely adored! It seemed as though everything was working out nicely for these grieving siblings. Then, Abrielle pulled out a note from the purse — on it was a message that felt as though it was coming from their dad himself.

Grieving Daughter Discovers Tear-Jerking Note in a Vintage Purse While Thrifting

Close up of a note that someone is holding. The note reads: When you read this you will be far from me in miles but not in my heart. I'm here. I love you.

“When you read this you will be far from me in miles but not in my heart,” the handwritten note reads. “I’m here. I love you.”

Wow! What are the odds that Abrielle and her sister would discover that note in that moment? It goes to show that you never know when, where, or how you’ll receive comfort from a loved one, even long after they’re gone.

“Your loved ones are with you everywhere,” Abrielle says, adding, “Love you, dad.”

You can find the source of this story’s featured image here!

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