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Precious: Little Girl Sees & Feels Rain For The First Time In Magical Moment

Close up of a little girl standing in the rain. Her arms are stretched out and her mouth is wide open from excitement.

Do you remember the very first time you experienced rain? Thanks to this viral video, a little girl named Kayden will never forget. In fact, despite being shared on social media a whole decade ago, folks still find themselves in awe of this wholesome video. In it, we get the opportunity to witness the moment this little girl sees rain for the very first time. Best of all, she gets the opportunity to interact with it in a very exciting way!

As adults stand nearby, little Kayden happily runs to her front yard. Here, she begins to take in this brand new sensory experience. With her arms stretched out, and a smile on her face, she quickly learns something exciting: Rain is amazing! She even exclaims “wow” several times. Eventually, it’s time to bring her back inside… but she’s just not ready yet!

As soon as Kayden is lifted off the ground, her little feet keep going, eager to be put back. As soon as she’s placed inside, however, she turns right back around. Now that she’s been introduced to the wonder that is rain, she can’t imagine leaving it so soon!

As adults, it can be easy to get frustrated with the rain. So, seeing this sweet child find so much joy in it is giving lots of people pause — in the best way.

The Moment This Little Girl Sees Rain For the First Time is Absolutely Magical

“This little girl is at least 10 years old now,” someone in the comments points out. “I hope the rain makes her just as happy today.”

“I’m 74 years old, and I still love standing in the rain and snow. It’s one of the small moments that makes life worth living,” someone else shares. “Watching this precious little girl in the rain makes me feel warm inside. Makes me remember the best times of my life.”

You can find the source of this story’s featured image here!

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