Woman Offers To Take Care Of Friend’s Chickens While She’s Away — Despite Being Terrified Of Them!

Left image shows a woman opening the door of a chicken coop. Right image shows the woman screaming each time a chicken flies past her.

Being afraid of chickens isn’t uncommon. People not raised near farmyard animals have limited experience dealing with them. For Shira Roberts, offering to take care of a friend’s chickens while she was out of town was far outside of her personal comfort zone. She was not only afraid of chickens, but she hated them also.

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The first chore was getting the chickens out of the coop. With each bird that crossed the threshold, she yelped with a tiny squeal. Once the chickens were all out, she carefully scanned the coop’s inside. We’re not sure if she was supposed to be checking for eggs or doing some cleaning, but she was definitely afraid of the chickens.

Standing inside the enclosure, she allowed each bird to exit the coop despite being terrified. Facing a fear and doing something anyway is called courage. Shira’s agreement to do this favor for her friend is impressive. Working through being afraid of the chickens and handling the chores is inspiring, even with the little screams and yelps.

Woman who is afraid of chickens volunteers to care for a friend's chickens while they are away.
Image from TikTok.

Shira may not have overcome her fear of the chickens, but she dealt with it. Watching her release the chickens as she cringes with each feathery little blob passing her is inspiring. It lets us know that, even when we are afraid, we can accomplish what needs to be done.

As you go about your day-to-day life, face the things that frighten you. Scream, squeal, or squeak if needed, but face your fears and conquer them! If Shira Roberts can be afraid of chickens but still provide for their care, she can do anything. And so can you!

Please share this if you know someone who might need a push to face their fears.

You can find the source of this story’s featured image here.

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