Heroism is one of the most inspiring aspects of human existence. The heroes and heroines through history have shaped the way we interact with one another and the world around us.
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There are many people who dedicate their lives to helping others, but every now and again an unlikely hero steps up.
When 10-year-old Isiah Francis noticed smoke rising from a neighborhood home, he didn’t hesitate to act. Isiah rushed into the residence with one thing on his mind, to save the two children trapped inside. Without hesitation, he risked his life so that he could rescue those who couldn’t save themselves.
As it turns out, Isiah had always wanted to help others.
“I’ve wanted to be a fireman since I was five. Even though I had to go through this hard work I still do.” It seems we’ve found a lifelong hero in training.
How different would this world be if we all acted as courageously? Take a minute to appreciate what others have done for you, and what you can do for them.
Share if this heroic kid inspired you to be someone’s hero today.
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