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The Best Way To Celebrate Winning The Cleveland Marathon? With A Proposal!

A marathon runner is bent on one knee, ring in hand to propose. A woman stands in front of him, back toward the camera. A photographer squats nearby, taking a photo of them

The act of participating in a marathon is an accomplishment in and of itself. Last year, however, Will Loevner not only competed for the first time, he also won! He did so at an impressive time of 2 hours, 19 minutes, and 44 seconds. After such a great accomplishment, he chose to compete again this year. Best of all, he won again! But a second win twice in a row turned out to be just one highlight of his day.

Turns out, marathon days are big days for Will. Last year, it’s also the day he and his girlfriend, Emma, went on their first date. It’s fitting, then, that Will chose the Cleveland Marathon as the setting for their proposal. As soon as Will crosses the finish like, he happily greets Emma. Mere moments later, he’s down on one knee. In fact, an announcer is still talking about Will’s incredible win when he pops the question!

What an amazing moment for Will to ask Emma to marry him! It doesn’t take her long at all to say yes, prompting everyone to cheer even more than they already were. Now, Will is qualified for the Boston Marathon and he has a fiancé! Needless to say, the Cleveland Marathon will forever hold a special place in their hearts.

Two-Time Cleveland Marathon Winner Pulls Off a Heartwarming Proposal

Not only did Will win once again, but he also beat last year’s time by 12 seconds. Considering what his plans were for after the marathon, it’s no wonder he had an extra pep in his step!

Will has yet to share if he plans on competing in the Cleveland Marathon again next year. Then again, there’s no telling what his schedule will look like with a wedding to plan!

You can find the source of this story’s featured image here!

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