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Single Mom Gets Dream Shopping Spree As Gift On Ellen.

ellen shopping spree surprise

When it comes to hard work, no one can hold a candle to single moms. With no help from a partner, single mothers manage to put food on the table and raise tiny humans all on their own.

That’s why beloved talk show host Ellen DeGeneres decided to do something amazing for a super-fan of hers named Jillian Thompson. A single mom to a four-year-old daughter, Jillian works hard as a receptionist for an insurance company to ensure that her baby has everything she needs.


Getting to sit in the audience at “The Ellen Show” alone was a huge deal for Jillian, who is one of her biggest fans. As Ellen was opening her show, though, Jillian got the first of many surprises.

After discussing a new pickup service offered by Walmart, Ellen asked, “Jillian Thompson, are you here?” Obviously, the young mom was totally stunned.


After running into her idol’s arms, Jillian took a seat next to Ellen. That’s when the funny host asked her if she could do her a favor.

“I need this stuff picked up at Walmart and I know you came to see the show, but I need the stuff. Would you mind going to Walmart to pick the stuff up for me?”


Without missing a beat, Jillian agreed. Off she went with Jeannie to the nearest Walmart. When the two of them got there, Ellen presented them with a challenge and said that if they could find three specific items in under one minute, Jillian would get a huge surprise.

Amazingly, she found all three of them in just 38 seconds!


True to form, Ellen joked that Jillian could keep the three random items (Turtle Wax, a shower curtain, and a DVD copy of “Finding Dory”) as prizes. Ever the gracious guest, Jillian thanked her profusely.

But then Jeannie and Ellen told her that this wasn’t all she was going to win. Seconds later, Jeannie handed Jillian a $10,000 Walmart gift card to thank her for being such an awesome mom!


Learn more about Jillian’s story and her big win in the video below. Be sure to share this heartwarming story with all the moms in your life!

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