Blind Dad Loses It When New Tech Enables Him To See Wife And Baby For First Time.

rachel ray show with blind man trying on glasses and family

The gift of sight is one that many of us take for granted. As we learned by watching this National Geographic film about a nonprofit’s mission to bring sight to 2 blind sister’s India, eye problems and visual impairment are not uncommon. Many people around the world suffer from blindness, and many lack the resources to get help.

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The good news is, technology is rapidly advancing. Remember the two brothers who had grown up color blind? Scientists developed a pair of glasses specifically geared toward color blind individuals, and when the brothers tried the glasses on their world completely changed!

Now– with the story of a man named Gene– we are again reminded that sight is a gift, and we’re seeing how technology has the power to change lives.

Gene lives in Denver, Colorado with his wife, Joy, and 1-year-old son, Lincoln. Although Gene can see to some extent, he is legally blind as he has Stargardts Disease, an illness which prevents his eyes from being able to focus.

Joy said that one day she was watching the Rachel Ray Show when she saw something that left her amazed. Rachel Ray had brought a young woman with impaired vision on the show where the woman tried on eSight, a pair of high-tech goggles that allowed her to see!

“I literally began shaking and crying for the next hour or more at the thought of my husband being able to see my face for the first time, to see our son for the first time,” wrote Joy in an emotional letter to the show.

Rachel Ray saw her letter, and Joy’s wish came true. She and Gene were invited on to the show so that Gene could try out eSight… the moment he sees his wife and child for the first time, is truly beautiful.

Watch Gene’s emotional reaction below, and share!

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