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“Germany’s Got Talent” Judges Roll Eyes At Heavyset Dancer — Then He Busts Out Epic Moves.

andreas maintz

We all know we’re not supposed to judge someone based on their appearance, but most of us fall into that trap once in a while in spite of our best efforts.

The judges on “Germany’s Got Talent” were recently caught doing just that and the resulting video is a great reminder for all of us. Just because someone may look overweight or out of shape does not mean they’re not talented or capable of doing amazing things with their body!


When dancer Andreas Maintz stepped out onto the stage, you could see all three judges raising their eyebrows at the man’s sloppy appearance. Not only does Andreas not have the standard-issue “dancer’s body,” but he showed up for his audition wearing baggy gray sweatpants and a stretched out white T-shirt.

Victoria Swarovski was saying it all with her face the second she saw him.


As Andreas began his performance, things didn’t get much better. All three judges were sending mass quantities of shade at Andreas on the stage. Yet as each judge rolled their eyes and seemed poised to have Andreas dismissed, the music suddenly stopped and he made a “just one minute” hand gesture.

Untucking his shirt and taking off his glasses, Andreas restarted his routine with different music. As Bruno Mars’s “Uptown Funk” came on, Andreas began to dance in earnest.


The judges were shocked to see that Andreas is actually an accomplished break dancer! His moves are sharp and he’s surprisingly strong and muscular underneath all those bulky layers of clothing. The routine starts with a killer robot before transitioning seamlessly into tricks like the worm.


Wow! It turns out Andreas is not only an amazing dancer, but he’s much more in shape than he appears. That will teach us not to judge a book by its cover.

Watch Andreas wow all three judges in the video below, and don’t forget to share this important reminder with others.

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