One Reddit user who works at a sports arena shared an incredibly wholesome note that he found underneath the door of his office. It was from someone who had stolen a package of crackers from a vending machine at the facility on a dare. Although the person didn’t disclose their identity, they were likely a child based on the content of the note. This kid was extremely sorry for their mistake, and even left $6 in payment to make up for it!
In their note, the wholesome young person explained that someone else had put them up to the theft. This was after seeing another person steal from the machine first.
“I take full responsibility for my decision,” read the piece of paper. “I promise I will never do it again.”
While this note on its own would have been pretty sweet, it’s even more wholesome that the child wanted to pay for both their theft and the one they’d witnessed.
“I am not sure how much the crackers cost,” they said, adding, “I want to make sure it was enough. I also want to pay for the Pop Tarts someone took.”
This kid learned an important lesson from their mistake, and they handled the situation with incredible maturity. What a responsible human the person who wrote this wholesome note must be!
You can find the source of this story’s featured image here.
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