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Man Approaches Woman At The Gym, And Their Interaction Will Restore Your Faith In Humanity.

gym interaction

Thanks to a positive interaction with a fellow gym-goer, a fitness influencer is praising her “community” for helping her find her footing as she works to reach her goals.

Katie Fox, a self-proclaimed “beginner CrossFit girly,” has been documenting her health journey on TikTok since September 2023. She highlights her highs and lows and also hands out encouragement along the way.

Recently, she posted a video that proved how helpful other gymgoers can be. In it, she recorded herself trying a lift and falling over in the process. In the caption, she admitted that she struggles with anxiety, and she’s always worried people are “starring” at her while she’s working out. So when she fell, she was humiliated.

Someone did notice that Katie was struggling in the gym that day, and they also noticed the look of defeat and embarrassment on her face, so they stepped in to get her back on her feet.

First, the man made sure Katie was okay. When she said she was, he assured her that her setback was “part of the process.”

a positive gym interaction

“All the failures…part of the process,” he urged. “Don’t worry about yourself. Get yourself up! Try again.”

The man gave her a fist bump, told her not to “worry about it,” and reminded her once again to get herself up and “try again.”

Of course, Katie did get up and try again. And the best part is that she was able to do it with a smile on her face.

Share this story to remind your friends who feel discouraged by their own setbacks to get up and keep trying.

You can find the source of this story’s featured image here.

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