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Wounded Dog Couldn’t Walk Anymore, So He Collapsed In Random Yard. Then Help Came.

dog rescue hope for paws

When a Los Angeles-area woman found a stray dog collapsed in her yard, she knew just what to do. While some might have shooed the scraggly dog away or called the pound, the homeowner instead reached out to Hope For Paws.

She could tell that the poor pup was exhausted from wandering the streets and had numerous wounds. He stayed in the same spot for several hours, apparently unable to move. But that all changed when Eldad Hagar showed up with another kind rescuer.

The dejected dog had all but given up on life.


When his rescuers found him, though, he perked up slightly. They decided to name him Milo.

Initially, he was wary of their intentions…


But it didn’t take long for the sweet dog to realize they were there to help. They gently eased him onto a makeshift gurney and carried him to their car.

Finally, he could relax.


Once they got to the veterinarian, Milo was examined and they found that he had several puncture wounds which had become infected. No wonder he was in so much pain!


But as soon as the antibiotics and other medications started working their magic, Milo’s personality underwent a dramatic change. Watch the entire rescue below to see just how incredible Milo’s journey was.

Unsurprisingly, Milo has since been adopted into a loving home, which includes a senior dog named Grace who has her paws pleasantly full trying to keep up with her rambunctious little brother.


Share this happy dog’s story to spread awareness that a little love and kindness goes a long way!

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