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Golden Retriever Puppy Isn’t Shy About Telling Mom When He’s Hungry

A golden retriever puppy sits next to his empty bowl.

One golden retriever puppy seems to have learned that the secret to lasting relationships is clear communication. So, he’s been letting his mom know in no uncertain terms when he’s hungry! This pup, named Maverick, has a very specific way of showing his parents what he wants. The dog’s owner captured the most hilarious video of her pooch’s not-so-subtle communication style.

In the clip, Maverick picked up his empty bowl and brought it over to his mom. Then, he started nosing around the vessel, as if to demonstrate that there was no food inside. Eventually, the little golden retriever looked up at his owner with his best puppy eyes.

“Our puppy brings us his bowl when he wants a refill,” the pet mom wrote over the adorable footage.

Commenters loved this clever puppy’s approach!

“He’s training you,” joked one user.

“Golden retrievers are super intelligent,” said another.

Other people noted that their own dogs did the same thing when they were hungry!

“One of my cocker spaniels does this,” a pet owner wrote. “He’ll bring it right into the middle of the room and plop it down.”

Of course, Maverick isn’t the only pooch in the house who knows how to communicate his needs. This golden retriever puppy has a husky older brother who is also pretty straightforward. Mom captured the funniest video of Titan letting the smaller dog know he didn’t want to play anymore. When the tiny pup wouldn’t stop nipping at him, the larger pooch simply used his weight advantage to hold the little guy down!

Don’t worry; as soon as Mom chastised him, Titan let his brother go. Let’s hope the golden retriever puppy got the message and found someone else to play with!

You can find the source of this story’s featured image here.

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