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Student Gives Pencils With Sweet Notes On Them To Teacher & Her Heart Melts.

amanda cox teacher pencils

As a parent, it’s not easy to send our little ones off to school each day.

It’s important to put positive thoughts and messages in our children’s heads as often as we can. Whether that’s just reminding them of their many talents or helping them find the bright side in a bad situation, the stuff we say to our kids tends to stick with them as they go about their days.


Amanda Cox, an elementary teacher in Beaumont, Texas, recently stumbled upon the method one mother uses to keep her son’s spirits up throughout his school day, and it’s so simple yet beautiful she had to share. Taking to her Facebook page, Amanda told the story of how she was running low on pencils, so she asked her students to pull out the ones they had in their desks that she’d given them.

One little boy asked if he could keep the ones his mom had given him, but just moments later changed his mind, saying, “Well, I guess I’ll give you a few so my classmates can have them too.â€

She didn’t think much of it until she looked down at the pencils he had given her and noticed there was writing on them. “I then realized that my student’s mother took the time to write on his pencils,” Amanda stated. “I asked him if he would mind showing me the rest of them. What I read melted my heart.”


Each pencil had a message written on the side of it featuring a positive affirmation intended to bolster her son as he worked at his studies.

– You are so talented.
– This will be a great year.
– You are creative.
– You are phenomenal.
– Never give up.
– You can do this.
– You are very knowledgeable.
– You are a math whiz.
– You are intelligent.
– Proud of you every day.
– I love you!
– You have a brilliant mind.
– You are wonderful.
– You are a problem solver.
– Follow your dreams.
– You are perfect.
– I love you!
– I am proud of you.
– You will change the world.
– You are amazing.
– You are the best.
– You are important

Amanda was moved by the messages. This project took just minutes for the boy’s mother to do, but it provided a boost in morale that all kids desperately need. Not only was this student not embarrassed by the messages his mother had written for him, he actually wanted to share them with his classmates to give them a boost, too.


THESE are the things that we should be reminding our kids (both parents AND teachers). Imagine the look on a child’s face when they are reminded that they are important, talented, loved, knowledgeable, and so much more.

Help them know that someone believes in them and is proud of them in everything they do. Even if you think it is cheesy or you don’t have enough time or that you will have little impact, remember that you may be the only one telling and reminding them these things and EVERY kid needs to know their value. This is why I teach.

Amanda’s post is a perfect reminder for all parents. Some people may try to tear down your kids or attempt to break their spirit, but if we continually lift them up and tell them they matter, they’re smart, and they’re kind, we can fight the negative with the light of our love.

Please share this message to encourage other parents to look for ways to lift their kids up any chance they get.

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