Driver Spots Cat Clinging To Moving Semi Truck & Swoops In To The Rescue

A cat hiding underneath a moving truck.

When these onlookers saw a cat stuck in a very precarious position on a speeding truck, they knew they had to do something to rescue the animal! How on earth the feline ended up just above one of the mudflaps, holding on for dear life, we have no idea. A woman in a nearby vehicle caught some harrowing footage of the poor, frightened kitty! A video of the unusual predicament has already received over two million views on social media.

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In the clip, a woman riding in the passenger seat of a car was able to film the kitty clinging to the huge vehicle in the next lane. She also captured footage of the driver attempting to rescue the cat once the truck had pulled over. It wasn’t easy, since the animal was still holding on pretty tight! However, the man was eventually able to remove the stowaway.

As soon as this cat was rescued from the truck, they were relocated to a more comfortable spot. This kitty looked pretty happy curled up on the woman’s lap in the passenger seat of her car! Rescuers had even wrapped the animal up in a warm jacket.

Could this be evidence of the cat distribution system… on wheels?

Commenters were amazed at how the onlookers were able to rescue the cat from a moving semi truck. Some joked that this might be a new version of the cat distribution system!

“Cat distribution system — ‘Expedited Service,'” wrote one user.

“I didn’t realize the cat distribution system was delivered by 18 wheeler!!!!” said another.

A cat hiding underneath a moving truck.
Screengrab from TikTok

Others tried to puzzle out how this kitty ended up in such a dire situation in the first place.

“Someone did NOT complete their pre trip safety check,” someone said. “Poor thing! Glad it’s ok!”

Another person suggested, “That’s a big cat. Probably a house cat that got out and was looking for a warm place to hang out… till that warm place started moving!!”

However this cat found themself underneath a moving truck, we’re glad that someone saw and rescued them!

You can find the source of this story’s featured image here.

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