Dog Gently Placing 11 Newborn Puppies In Lap Of Foster Mom Is The Sweetest Thing.

We love our dogs. Remember the little girl who waited 7 years to get a dog, and then bawled when she finally got one? That video was such a clear example of love. How about the story of a rescue dog who became an Instagram star? His owner took him to all the nicest restaurants to show his love.

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But how do our dogs show us love back? Well, there’s a multitude of ways. But the video below– of a mama dog bringing her puppies to her foster mom– is one of the most clear examples of a dog’s love we’ve seen yet.

In the caption of the video below, the dog’s foster mom explains the circumstances: “My sweet foster dog Grayce came to me three weeks ago. She was ready to find a safe space to have her pups. She found me. I’d say by this video she feels somewhat safe. I sure love her.”

When you see the video, you’ll understand what she means by “she feels somewhat safe.” Grayce tenderly picks up each of her 11 puppies and places them on Mom’s lap.

“What am I supposed to do with all of these guys?” Mom asks, buried in pups.

Eventually, she and the man filming decide that Grayce wants some love, but she doesn’t want to leave her puppies.

It’s a beautiful testament to how much Grayce loves and trusts her foster mom… and it’s definitely one of the most beautiful things we’ve seen.

Watch the emotional video below and share.

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