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Clever Video Uses Water To Demonstrates What Emotional Healing Looks Like

Someone off-screen pours a pitcher of water into a cup of something dark. Text on the image reads: How healing actually looks like

So many of us are on our own healing journeys. Sonetta Alshahaf is one of those people, and she’s using her social media platform to help others like her, too. In doing so, she’s created viral videos that do a great job at visually demonstrating aspects of healing that are difficult to put into words. One of her most popular videos is about the overall process of emotional healing, and it’s proving to have a powerful effect on folks.

In the video, we see a cup full of a dark liquid. This is meant to represent all of the things we struggle with in our lives — the reasons our healing journeys are necessary. This is fitting because, at the start of our healing process, our lives can feel so dark. But then Sonetta starts to pour water into the cup… and the magic begins.

The water is a perfect representation of all the positive changes we can make in our lives. This list will look different for each of us but common ones include spending more time with friends, enjoying nature, and journaling. On their own, these things may seem too insignificant to combat whatever it is we’re healing from. But like Sonetta demonstrates, these things add up.

Woman Beautifully Demonstrates What Emotional Healing Looks Like

And with time, each change we make helps us become healthier, happier versions of ourselves. We’ll have setbacks, of course, because healing isn’t linear. But as long as we keep metaphorically pouring more water into our cup, we can always find our way back to better and brighter days.

“Healing is not easy,” Sonetta writes in the caption of her post. “Instead of spending more time in dark thoughts, the antidote is to inject more things and thoughts that recharge you.”

You can find the source of this story’s featured image here!

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