Dad’s Hilarious Wrestling Match With Rambunctious Dogs Has Wife Cracking Up.

german shepherds tree tug of war

What goes up must come down, and closing up shop on Christmas is no different. Down come the lights and other decorations, treasured ornaments go back in their boxes, and rolls of wrapping paper are tucked away for another year.

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Oh, and there’s the matter of the Christmas tree. Under normal circumstances, it takes just a few minutes to haul it outside for disposal. But when your family includes a couple of German shepherds, particularly ones who are always up for a game of tug-of-war, throwing away big, bulky items is never easy.


Erin Sharkey Graham and her husband David Graham have a happy family of six – four humans and two rambunctious German shepherds.

Recently, they decided that it was time to retire the Christmas tree. Erin wrote on Facebook, “So I asked my husband to toss the old Christmas tree … and noticed it was taking a REALLY long time… then I look out and see this struggle going down.â€


Why was he taking so long? Well, the family’s pups weren’t quite ready to say goodbye to Christmas.

When Erin saw the wrestling match that was taking place in the backyard, she quickly took out her camera and started filming.


Badge and Segen took their dad’s disposal of the tree as a personal challenge: They were determined to prevent the best stick they’d ever encountered from getting thrown away.

At one point, they were putting up such a good fight that they got David on the ground!


Erin posted the short clip to Facebook on Saturday, and it’s since gone viral, with 25 million views and more than half a million shares. By the looks of the comments, many dog owners – particularly ones with German shepherds – can relate.


Watch this hysterical clip below, and share to spread some laughs!

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