Dog At Daycare Is So Excited To See His Human, He Does A Happy Dance!

dog daycare dance

Many parents remember how ecstatic their children were when they would arrive to pick them up from daycare. As it turns out, parents of “fur babies” sometimes get the same kind of enthusiastic greeting.

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These days, more and more working people rely on doggy daycares to keep their pups entertained during the day. Instead of letting them sit at home and sleep all day, these folks drop their dogs off so they can spend their time frolicking with other pups. Giving dogs exercise and attention makes them happier, and for some hyper breeds of dog, it helps burn off some of that energy so their owners can enjoy a nice, quiet evening with their best friend.

Almost all dogs love going to doggy daycare, but there’s no doubt that they also love that moment when their owners come to claim them at the end of the day!


That’s never been more evident than in a video that went viral a few years back.

In the hilariously cute YouTube clip, we meet a fluffy puppy with curly brown hair who is totally overjoyed to see his owner. The little dog stands at the doggy daycare gate as soon as he hears his owner’s voice in the hallway.


Seconds later, the dog starts doing the funniest happy dance ever! He stands on his hind legs and boogies like crazy –  his excitement is palpable!

And just when you think he couldn’t get any more excited, he defies gravity and starts bouncing up and down like he’s on an invisible pogo stick.


This happy dance will never grow old! Getting a greeting like that at the end of your workday seems like it would be the best thing ever.

Watch the adorable video below, and please share this story with a friend whose dog is also over the moon when they get home each night.

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