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Bulldog Inadvertently “Adopts” Group Of Fluffy Baby Groundhogs

A spotted bulldog giving the camera a sulky expression.

Not that many animals have pets of their own, but this bulldog somehow seems to have acquired a family of baby groundhogs! While living under a woman’s deck, these tiny critters became infatuated with her pooch, named Eggnog. They’ve been wistfully peering in at the dog through the window. Eggnog’s owner shared the cutest video of the animals staring at their new “mom.”

In the clip, the bulldog was watching the baby groundhogs from her bed while they gathered on the steps outside. One of these creatures even looked like they were trying to figure out how to get inside the house! After watching the fuzzy brood for a while, Eggnog turned to give her mom a petulant look. Obviously, this pooch is not ready to take on that kind of responsibility!

“When you have 6 baby groundhogs living under your deck and they think that your chubby dog is their mom…” wrote the owner over the footage. In the caption, she joked, “I want a DNA test…”

Eggnog the bulldog is not ready to be a groundhog mom!

Some commenters thought that the bulldog’s unhappy expression after viewing the baby groundhogs was too funny. Eggnog certainly didn’t seem to be a huge fan of being “adopted” by these creatures!

“The look,” wrote one user. “No they are not mine uh.”

“That side eye the dog gave,” said another.

A spotted bulldog giving the camera a sulky expression.
Screengrab from TikTok

Based on other videos on her social media account, Eggnog is clearly used to being the baby of the family. Many of her posts feature the pampered pup wearing a cozy outfit and enjoying a snack on the couch. This bulldog isn’t quite prepared to give up her life of luxury in order to raise a bunch of groundhogs!

Of course, if Eggnog doesn’t want these adorable little critters… can we take them home?

You can find the source of this story’s featured image here.

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