Tiny 1-Year-Old Wanders Around Grocery Store Spreading Love.

Remember when you were a kid, before learning about talking to strangers, and you would delight in saying hello to everyone you met?

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There’s something so sweet and genuine about a little tot saying hello to strangers. They are just these tiny extroverts looking for the next best friend. Give a toddler two legs to walk and a hand to wave, and they will greet anyone who will give them the opportunity.

Little Joey is no different.

baby joey

When she was just one, a woman caught the little girl spreading love during a casual grocery outing. The video starts out with Joey curiously exploring the grocery store.

But when an elderly man in a motorized scooter zooms by, she throws her little hand into the air with a friendly ‘hello!’

joey waves

After waving to a store clerk, she turns her attention to a shopper, who can’t help but wave back and smile. Of course, with how tiny Joey is, not everyone notices her, and when one customer doesn’t wave back, Joey looks a little sad…

joey waves

But that doesn’t stop her from spreading the love! She finds a new friend and after waving, she runs up to the woman with open arms, ready for a big hug.

joey hug

Naturally, every person who sees Joey is left with a smile, some of them even giggle as they walk away. And who can blame them? Joey is adorable as she toddles around waving to everyone. She’s clearly determined to make as many friends as she can. Some viewers are even jealous Joey doesn’t shop where they do!


Joey’s fun spirit and love are contagious. She was able to make everyone she came into contact with light up – even though many were probably stressed out in the busy store.

We should all be a little more like Joey.

Check out the video below, and share with anyone who could use a smile.

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