Mom Calls Baby Out For “Fake Crying” & Her Response Will Make You Burst Out Laughing.

baby fake crying

Figuring out what a crying baby wants can be pretty tough. Are they hungry? Do they need to be changed, or are they just fussy?

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Well, it might also be that the infant has caught on to the idea that the sound of crying is just as effective as actual crying. That was the case with one darling baby girl.

not crying

It seems that this young cutie was determined to have her way… and she hoped that if she sounded sad enough, it would make her mom swoop in to the rescue. There was just one kink in her plan: Mom had already figured out that she was faking it.

“What’s the deal?” her mom asked off-screen. “You’re not even crying. There’s no tears in your eyes – nothing!”

fake crying

The baby hadn’t caught on that her little ruse was a flop, and continued to try and fake-cry her way into getting attention and sympathy.

It was hilariously adorable! Especially the lip-tremble and her “Does she believe me yet?” pause.

does she believe me

Well, she might not have what it takes to trick Mommy, but mark our words, there’s an Oscar in this baby girl’s future.

To see the infant actress’ viral-worthy performance, click the video below. And if you love cute baby videos, please share this story.

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