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Dancers Win Golden Buzzer On “Belgium’s Got Talent” After Mind-Bending Performance.

avant garde collective

On shows like “Belgium’s Got Talent,” there are plenty of incredible dance acts that cross the stage.

Whether they’re groups of salsa-dancing kiddos or dancers who pull off incredible acrobatic stunts, these performers always get a massive response from both the judges and the audience. While there are tons of them, dance auditions never get old. We have groups like Avant Garde Collective to thank for that.

avant garde collectiveFacebook

Made up of Herrold Anakotta, Kevin van der Kleij, Davy Denkers, Samuel Chan, Cody Loong, Gino Jagessar, and Tim Jansen, this group from the Netherlands is comprised of performers who specialize in all sorts of dance styles. Each dancer comes from a different training background and brings his own unique twist to their choreography, lending their performances a truly one-of-a-kind air.

belgium's got talent

Their audition on “Belgium’s Got Talent” was no different. When they told the judges that they were dancers, everyone in the room probably initially thought, “Okay, we’ve seen lots of dancers before!”

But then one of the judges pointed out “that they do a lot more than dance.”

avant garde collective

Intrigued, the panel watched on as the lights dimmed and each dancer found his position. But that’s when things took a complete turn. Their mind-bending moves seemed to defy the laws of physics and the judges couldn’t believe what they were seeing.

belgium's got talent

The music playing behind the piece was electronic and even glitchy-sounding, which mirrored their movements perfectly. By the end of the act, every single person in the audience was on their feet for the incredible performers!

belgium's got talent

And just when they thought things couldn’t get any better than the crowd’s standing ovation, one of the judges stood up and gave the group a cheeky smile, hinting that something big was coming. They held their breath, and after a few seconds, she hit the coveted golden buzzer!

avant garde collective

Watch it all play out in the video below and share with your friends to spread their incredible talents with others!

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