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“Asking My Parents To Dance To This Song Like They Would Have In The 80s”

Image shows two panels with parents dancing like they did in the 80s.

It might be difficult for young adults to think about it, but parents did a lot of dancing in the 1980s. That era produced some of the greatest music ever, and feet were always tippy-tapping. The movie “Footloose” starring Kevin Bacon, hit the box office in 1984, focusing the world on 80s music and dancing. So when you ask your parents to dance like they would have in the 80s, this is what you get.

The dancing speaks for itself. The parents in the clip might look familiar. Dennis Appel has been featured in magazines and television talk shows for his dancing moves. His Instagram account is dadsgotmoves and his slogan is, “Just a crazy dancing dad here to make you laugh & spread good vibes.” His social media accounts have a ton of similar clips with him dancing. He does have some moves, and dancing does make us smile.

Dennis got his start on the path to internet fame when his daughter recorded him dancing and posted the video online. Since then, the music has continued to play, and Dennis has continued to dance. His TikTok channel has most of his dance videos, but the family also posts on Instagram and occasionally on Facebook.

Asking your parents to dance like it was the 1980s can have mixed results, but in this case, it was exactly what we needed to start our day. Dennis and his wife have a great attitude and stay young by dancing. Like this couple dancing in the rain, we could always use a little 80s music in our lives and to see our parents dancing like no one is watching. Please share this if someone you know needs a dance break.

You can find the source of this story’s featured image here.

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