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Mom Illustrates Truth Of “It Takes A Village” With Emotional Adoption Photos.

It’s always a joyous occasion when a child in foster care finds a loving home. Yet we often underestimate how many people come together to make it all happen.

But when Millie Holloman decided to adopt she knew it was going to “take a village”. And when the time finally came to take her daughter, Vera Wren Holloman, home she knew she wanted to thank her village in a very special way.

adoption story
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“I’ve often said that when I signed up for foster care, I signed up for the heartache and pain that often come with it. But my family and friends didn’t sign those papers, just me. I just drug them all into it. They’ve been through the ups and downs with me.

They’ve supported me when I called crying after court hearings or given me a shoulder to cry on when I’ve had to buckle kids in their car seat and send them off with another family to love. They have fallen in love with these kids and they have prayed big prayers for us all. They have stepped up and filled in the gaps for the roles I can’t be to these kids.

Today they cried great big tears and they celebrated alongside us! I’m so grateful for my friends and family, those there today and those who could not be with us but were in spirit!”

But Millie did more than express her thanks with a Facebook post. Luckily, Millie shared her unbelievable support system, and all the ways they contributed to Wren’s adoption, with the world.

From Wren’s new grandparents:

Supportive parents are EVERYTHING! These two love my kids, pray over them, rock them and always have my back! Without them we definitely would not be here. They are my role models for what parenting looks like and with that in mind, I’m sure to succeed. Love you both!

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To the social worker who closed the case:

Thurston has been our social worker with The Bair Foundation for quite some time! He’s seen me come into his office with both big smiles and big tears so he can fully celebrate the accomplishment of today’s big milestone!

vera adoption
MH Photography

The judge who oversaw the adoption procedure:

Today’s ceremony was held in a courtroom that usually handles domestic cases which often don’t have happy endings. The judge kept saying how excited he was to be a part of such a special day with a happy ending and we are so grateful for him allowing us this special time to celebrate as a family!

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The lawyer who worked to make it happen:

Grayson Cheek is our adoption attorney and he also happens to be a dear friend of our family! Just weeks before little Wren was born, I was in the delivery room, photographing the birth of his first child. So happy he was able to help make my prayers and dreams become a reality today!

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The friend who brought Wren home:

Hilary is not only one of the first people I met at the Bair Foundation, she also is the first person to bring Wren to my home. She’s been a huge encouragement for me throughout this journey!

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Dear friends:

Two of my dearest friends. I can’t wait to see all of the memories we will continue to create watching our kids grow up together! Your prayers are a HUGE part of why we got here!

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Business partners:

When you meet someone that just gets you, that’s these two! A friendship that started with business has turned into so much more. Always willing to lend a listening ear and ready to give helpful advice. Thanks for doing life with me through the ups and downs! 

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The best friend, sister in law, and studio manager:

Thank you for always being patient with me, being willing to say the really tough things, crying with me, laughing with me, and loving me even when I am ridiculous. No one’s words can bring me to tears or inspire me quite like yours and I can’t wait to see our girls grow up and forge the same friendship we have!

My brothers who love my girl and fill the role of a father for my little Wren. Thank you for being a role model to her of what a Fathers love should look like (you too Dad), you are filling a role in her life no one else can and I will be forever grateful to you for that! I know she is head over heels for you all by the look in her eye when you walk in the room. Love you all!

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The loving little cousins:

The joy you two have for adding Wren to our family makes my heart explode… keep on loving and caring like this the rest of your life and you will do big big things!

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The Aunts:

To my Aunts who drove hours to be with us today! You have watched me grow up now your love flows into the next generation. Your support and presence mean the world to me and I love you both!

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The outnumbered boys:

Sorry boys, the girls still have you outnumbered. I can’t wait for summer vacations, we’ve got a lifetime of memories to build! Before long we will have another little boy to help even the score!

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Coworkers/ future wedding planners:

These ladies are a constant support to me day in and day out. Co-workers made friends! Even without asking they do things like bring flowers to our adoption celebration lunch or set the table and they plan the best weddings on earth. So YES, Wren and Mommy will be happy to let you plan hers one day! I’m grateful that we don’t just work side by side but we do life side by side too! 

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The photographer who documented it all:

Matt and I grew up together and in recent years he has joined our team at MHP! Thank you so much for being there to document one of the most important days of my life. I’ll cherish these images forever!

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The last but not least the tearful companion:

This girl and my little Wren have a special relationship that involves all the fun things like bedtime stories, painting her nails, and fun conversation about important things in life. Her tender heart is a welcome gift! I hope your empathy and compassion for others continues to rub off my little Wren. You can come cry at our house anytime!

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The various images are a true manifestation of the belief that “it takes a village” to raise a child. And with that love, a child can, in turn, raise up a village … and fill them with warmth and love.

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