15 Adorable Vet Visits That’ll Give You Your Daily Dose Of Cuteness

scared husky wrapped in towel and vet holding koala bears

Like any doctor, a veterinarian has good and bad days while on the job.

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While they’re often faced with sick pets and their humans having a very bad day, on other days, they get to meet some of the cutest furry and feathered patients imaginable. These adorable animals make all of the difficult days just a little bit easier.

1. If you insist on being mean to the vet techs, prepare to wear the “sphere of shame.”

2. This swan appears to be saying “thank you” to the vet who saved its life.

3. The dog got a little nervous at the vet’s office and sought higher ground.

4. A female koala was being treated after a run-in with a dog when the vet noticed she was lactating. A team of wildlife rescuers was dispatched, and they spent an entire day tracking down her baby so they could reunite them.

5. This cat really didn’t want to see the vet, so he pulled a “Houdini” and climbed into the trash hole.

6. This scared pupper never visits the vet without his stuffed support animal.

7. Kitty was mean to the vet, so now he has to become a “purrito” just to be seen.

8. His name is Doug, and he is here to help. Just read the sign!

9. There may have been some medication involved.

10. Nothing to see here, just a litter of 9-week old Maine Coon kittens at a well-check. (Squee!)

11. “They know he’s good-natured, so they decided to put a cap on him. They sent me this picture.”

12. The surgery was a complete success! Hopefully his face didn’t stay this way after the meds wore off.

13. “The clinic cat got a shirt, and he won’t let anyone take it off.”

14. This little owl may look cute, but he is giving the vet an epic stink-eye she won’t soon forget.

15. This vet couldn’t resist sharing a picture of his patient, whose nose is a heart.

Thank you to all of the vets and vet techs who make caring for our animals look easy! We’re glad they get some sweet quality time with their patients sometimes, too.

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