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Why You Should Always Listen To Your Mother — Mom’s Premonition Saves Daughter’s Life

Screenshot of a text that reads: I'm not gonna say that again, get out!!!!!!!

There are moments in life that are simply impossible to explain. Take, for example, the gut feeling we get about certain people or situations. Although this instinct is one that any of us have, it’s often said that a mother’s intuition can be particularly strong. This is something that Maralyn and her mom experienced firsthand. The young woman gives details of the harrowing moment on social media, explaining that her mom’s premonition saved her from being involved in a shooting.

In Maralyn’s viral post, we see a series of texts between her and Mom. While Maralyn is hanging out with friends at a bar, Mom texts her to find out if she’s okay. Turns out, Mom just woke up from a horrible dream involving her daughter. What makes the dream especially eerie, though, is the fact that Maralyn was in a bar in the dream.

Screenshot of a text that reads: I'm not gonna say that again, get out!!!!!!!

Once Mom finds out where her daughter is at, she doesn’t hesitate to tell her she needs to leave, noting that there was “blood everywhere” in the dream. Although Maralyn insists that everything is fine, Mom doesn’t back down, adding, “I’m not gonna say that again, get out!”

Mom’s Premonition About a Shooting Saves Her Daughter’s Life

After some convincing, Maralyn and her friend do decide to leave. This likely felt silly at the time, but after a while, they heard devastating news: Later that night, a shooting happened at that very bar. Eight people were killed.

Screenshot of a news article. The headline reads: 8 people were killed in a shooting attack at a bar in Ecuador, local police say

Part of the article:
A shooting attack during a birthday party at a bar in Ecuador on Saturday left eight people dead police said as the country...

Although InspireMore is unable to verify whether or not Maralyn and her friend were at this bar in Ecuador that night, if they were, the fact that Mom was able to save them is nothing short of miraculous. Needless to say, they couldn’t be more grateful that she chose to say something to them.

“That’s why women should listen to their instincts,” someone writes in the comments section. “Incredible! I hope you’re doing well.”

“CHILLS,” another person adds. “My mom’s intuition has saved me SO many times.”

You can find the source of this story’s featured image here!

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