Who Knew Horses Could Play Guitars? This Equine Is A Master At Strumming!

Image shows musician Mikayla giving a guitar lesson to Yupia the horse.

Yupia is a horse who plays guitar. As with all things, there is more to this story. Yukia is a spokeshorse for an organization named Because We Can Because We Care (BWC2). This 501(c)3 nonprofit horse rescue uniquely combines two missions into one successful program. Their tagline, “Saving Horses — Helping People” perfectly fits their goal. As part of their advertising campaign, Mikayla gave Yupia guitar lessons, and he took to the instrument like an old pro!

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Guitar is not Yupia’s only instrumental success story. Yupia is pretty good with the snare drum, electric guitar, and harp. BWC2 offers rescued horses a haven in which to recover while receiving the best rehabilitative care. The organization offers riding lessons and horsemanship lessons to children with disabilities and veterans suffering from PTSD.

The organization, led by Dave Drulias, has been doing this since 2009. It has a 5-star rating on and many positive comments about the lessons, instructors, and overall experience. For children with disabilities, the program works to help them build core body strength, develop focus, solve problems, and increase motor skills. BWC2 has helped children with cerebral palsy, autism, Down syndrome, blindness, and ADHD. But back to our horse friend Yukia, who has been practicing playing guitar with this classic piece.

The group offers lessons to the general public and programs for children with disabilities and veterans. Communication between a large animal and a veteran can build trust. The healing power of these relationships helps both the vets and the horses. Dave, Mikayla, and other staff members are expert horse handlers who enjoy what they do.

Yupia The Horse Plays Guitar To Help Vets

You can learn more about their organization and the work they do on their website. If you are near Ventura, California, you can visit them and take riding lessons! When Mikayla isn’t busy on the BWC2 ranch, she spends her time onstage as a musician.

You can find the source of this story’s featured image here.

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