Watching TV Saves Lives! Just Ask The 7-Yr-Old Who Stopped This Boy From Choking.

DeAndre, David Diaz Jr, and NY State Senator Fred Ashkar

Kids are like little sponges who silently soak up whatever information surrounds them. Thankfully, for a little boy named DeAndre, David Diaz Jr. happened to soak up some very valuable information while watching television with his family.

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DeAndre and David are both second graders at Woodrow Wilson Elementary School in Binghamton, New York. The 7-year-olds were eating lunch one day when DeAndre suddenly started to choke on a piece of pizza. David was scared, but thanks to an episode of “The Good Doctor,” he knew what to do!

“I was afraid my friend would die,” David explained.

He’d seen the Heimlich maneuver performed in the medical drama “The Good Doctor.” He later told a teacher that as he watched the scene, it seemed “important,” so he tried to “remember” it.

Yet, when the time came to act, David doesn’t remember having to think about what to do: He just did it. Racing to his friend’s side, he performed the Heimlich combined with smacking DeAndre on the back in the “five-and-five” technique he’d seen the actors perform on screen.

By the time teachers reached DeAndre’s side, David was already administering aid. Seconds later, the object dislodged itself from the child’s throat, and he was able to breathe again.

“If anybody is choking or is in danger, you always have to save them,” David explained. “If you don’t, then that could be really sad.”

DeAndre was checked out by the nurse and his parents were called. Meanwhile, school staff couldn’t wait to celebrate their newest little hero! New York State Senator Fred Akshar was so proud of David’s heroic act that he came to the school and presented him with the New York State Senate Commendation Award.

“When second-grader David Diaz realized his friend DeAndre was choking during lunch time, David acted without hesitation, jumped in, and performed the Heimlich maneuver to save DeAndre’s life,” Sen. Akshar stated. “We were proud to present David with a New York State Senate Commendation Award for exemplifying what it means to be a hero in his community.”

David’s family is also incredibly proud of their son, even though they had no idea he knew how to use the Heimlich!

“I’m very proud of my son,” said David Diaz Sr. “He’s an angel in my eyes.”

Can you believe he’s only 7 years old and he didn’t hesitate to save a life? Well done, young man! We hope you get extra TV time for this good deed!

Don’t forget to share David’s life-saving response with a friend!

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