2 Yrs After Divorce, Couple Gets Together For Special Family Photos.

Victoria Baldwin and Adam Dyson have been divorced for well over two years. Together, they have a son that they both cherish more than anything. Every year since their divorce, Victoria and Adam have come together to take family photos with their young son. They are both determined that their little boy will grow up knowing what it means to be family.

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Victoria recently submitted her story to LoveWhatMatters on Facebook. Her words have gone viral in the last week. Because of her words, families everywhere are being reminded to cherish those they have loved… even if that love is no longer the same. Check out her powerful words on love and family in the post below.


“The top two photos were taken when Adam and I were married. The bottom two, taken nearly one year and over two years after our divorce was finalized. We are not in love, we don’t always agree, we’re not best friends, sometimes we don’t even like one another. But you know what we are? We are forever connected because of our beautiful, smart, kind, compassionate, funny son.


We RESPECT one another. We remember that neither of our roles as parents take precedence over the other – neither one of us are any more important to the life of our son. We BOTH need to be there, we BOTH deserve quality time and quality memories with him.

Neither of us blame one another for the direction our relationship took. We do not place blame on one another, and we certainly don’t place blame in the presence of our son.


Adam and I are not perfect co-parents, but we made a deal when we got divorced, to put our son first and to value the richness that we each bring to his life, for different reasons.

So yes, we still have a family portrait taken, and I still pay good money to have the images printed, framed, and placed in our son’s bedroom; he may not grow up with parents who live in the same house… but he will grow up to see respect, kindness, empathy, compassion, perseverance, flexibility, and even sacrifice being modeled by both of his parents and he will know it is possible to fall out of love but never fall apart.”


So many of us carry scars and hurts from what we experienced growing up. Though it’s sad that Victoria and Adam decided to call their marriage quits, it’s beautiful to see the effort they go to for their son. Though he will grow up in a broken home, this little guy will always know the meaning of family.

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