70-Yr-Old Veteran Walks Miles Every Day To See ‘Most Beautiful Woman In The World,’ Then Cop Stops Him.

“I don’t care if it’s raining, snowing, or what, I’m going to see my wife. Even if I have to crawl.”

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James Wright was walking to see “the most beautiful woman in the world” when it finally became too exhausting. The 70-yr-old veteran’s car had broken down weeks before, so when he had no other way to visit his wife in the nursing home he simply decided to walk.


Several miles from the nursing home, Lt. Charles Plitt of the Weaver Police Department spotted Wright walking along the highway looking exhausted.

Wright crossed in front of Plitt’s idling truck when the police officer decided see if he needed help. Looking defeated, Wright confessed the truth.


“I tried, but I just can’t make it… I can’t walk no more,” Wright told Plitt. “I just can’t walk no more and I want to see my wife.”

Plitt asked Wright where his wife was and offered to drive him there.

“After he got in, I thought back to how many times I tell people to be cautious about picking up strangers and about being very careful about picking up hitchhikers and such — usually preaching about not doing it at all, but for some reason I knew this situation was different,” Plitt wrote in a Facebook post.


Once they arrived at the nursing home, Wright was ecstatic.

“You see that window with the shades pulled back? That’s my wife’s room. She’s gonna be so happy I’m here!” Wright exclaimed.

Wright and Plitt’s story was posted to the Weaver Police Department Facebook page where it has gone viral overnight. Plitt’s gesture of kindness toward the love sick veteran warmed hearts all over the world and reminded us all the reason for Memorial Day.


Since the story went viral, the local community started a fundraising campaign to fix Wright’s truck… but until then Wright said he’ll continue to walk so he can see his beautiful wife.

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