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Travel Through Time With 15 More Before And After Pictures.

the lincoln memorial in 1920 before the reflecting pull was installed and the lincoln memorial as seen from across the expansive reflective pool

With photography as we know it existing since the 1830s, it’s easy to forget how magical a photo is until we really think about it. With a photograph, we’re able to witness moments that happened long before we even existed.

Best of all, with today’s technology, we can recreate those very photos! In doing so, we can marvel at how much has changed, or not changed, over the years. This very concept is what the subreddit r/OldPhotosInRealLife is all about! We’ve shared some of our favorite photos of theirs before, but now we have a whole new batch for you to enjoy below!

1. Times Square in 1900 doesn’t even look recognizable!

2. “Bhitargaon temple, Kanpur, India. 1875 and 2011. Built in 5th Century CE and renovated by British in 1901. It’s the oldest surviving brick structure in India.”

3. “Before and after Boston’s Big Dig, 1980s vs now.”

4. “Clifton Rocks Railway, Clifton, Bristol. 1905 and today.”

5. “For the first time in 76 years, WWII veteran Robert White stands in the vicinity in which he landed after jumping into Germany in March of 1945. He was as a paratrooper with the 17th Airborne Division.”

6. “Tunnel Rock at Sequoia National Park, 1952 and 2020.”

7. “Unknowingly captured the same image in 2020 that my dad took on vacation back in 1965 – Shenandoah NP (National Park).”

8. “Chróstnik Palace 2009 vs 2021. Chróstnik, Lubin County, Poland.”

9. “A 3.300-year-old chariot bridge is still in use today. The Arkadiko Bridge was built between 1300 and 1190 BCE, making it one of the oldest still-used arch bridges still in existence. It was built on a road that linked Tiryns to Epidaurus, and was part of a larger military road system.”

10. After all these years, this gorgeous spot in Edinburgh, Scotland looks as breathtaking as ever.

11. “The Lincoln memorial in 1920 before the reflecting pool was built.”

the lincoln memorial in 1920 before the reflecting pull was installed

12. “Family Farmhouse 1912-2022 (I’d especially like to note that the green bench has been on the front porch for at least 110 years)”

13. “Newcastle Castle, UK – 1895 to 2022.”

14. “Here’s a wonderful 1915 Pasadena craftsmen located in Bunglsow Heaven that I had the pleasure of purchasing and restoring a few years back. Although this house was only 950 sq ft it took nearly 2 years to complete the renovations due to working with the Pasadena historical society and city permitting.”

15. “More than 40 years [of] protecting urban planning in favour of trees, walking, and cycling in Utrecht, Holland.”

When we compare old photographs with ones from today, it’s almost like traveling through time. Moments get re-lived and places long forgotten are brought to life once more, simply because we’re looking at them – and we think that’s pretty darn cool!

Don’t forget to share this list of fascinating photos with a friend.

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