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Toddler Greets Garbage Collectors With Adorable Gift Basket.

little girl with basket talks to garbage collector

Sometimes, we just need to witness a sweet act of kindness to provide a little extra hope in humanity. This toddler will do the trick! This precious little girl waited on her street for the garbage collectors to come — then she gave them a great gift!

You can see this toddler’s anticipation was growing as she waited for her garbage collector pals to stop by.

garbage collectors shake little girl's hand
This image is from YouTube.

She was giddy, jumping up and down once she laid eyes on the garbage truck. This little girl stood there, beside her gift basket, waiting to make the day of these unsuspecting garbage collectors!

Once they finally came over to say hello, you could sense the group’s excitement. This toddler was making a seriously sweet gesture!

The garbage collectors spotted their gift and quickly started to give thanks. They shook hands with this little girl’s parents, as well as the little girl herself. It could not have been a more cute moment!

Check out the adorable clip of this little girl giving a gift to the garbage collectors below. What a special way to make their sunny day even sunnier!

The featured image for this post is from YouTube.

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