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This “AGT” Contestant Dances To The Beat Of His Own Drum, And Heidi Klum Is Impressed!

This drummer wows "AGT" with his dance moves.

Timothy Fletcher took drumming to the next level in his audition for “America’s Got Talent.” The 26-year-old musician astounded both the judges and the audience with his unique combination of rhythm and dance. Drumming along to Ciara’s “Level Up,” Timothy kept viewers engaged with impressive feats of coordination. Heidi Klum was especially enthusiastic as she voted the musician into the next round, calling both his audition and his winning smile “perfect.”

“I can totally see you making a whole show out of this,” she added.

When asked why he had chosen drumming for his talent, Timothy revealed that he’d been encouraged to pursue the instrument by a friend who was now deceased.

“My friend, he always told me I had a gift for drums,” he explained. “He was like, ‘Man, you can go far with it.’ He even told me one day I’d be here.”

Watch Timothy’s dynamic performance in the video below!

You can find the source of this story’s featured image here.

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