When 14-Yr-Old Sees Cat Thrown From Van Onto Highway, He Dives Into Traffic After Him.

Erin Brown was driving on the highway with her 14-yr-old son Gavin when they witnessed an unspeakable act of cruelty. The Brown’s were shocked to see a cat fly from the window of the car in front of them… the poor animal had been thrown from the moving van onto the highway.

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Erin slammed on her brakes and skidded to a stop. The tense moment was made more worrisome when Gavin leapt out of the car to stop oncoming traffic. But the Brown’s were determined the cat would not die that day.

Love Meow

As the Brown’s came to a stop, the terrified cat slammed into the pavement and tried desperately to stop herself from sliding by digging her claws into the concrete.

The cat then ran to the edge of the overpass and just as he was about to jump off it, Gavin darted to his rescue.

Love Meow

Gavin scooped the cat in his arms and held him close, “He cuddled right into Gavin’s arms and Gavin held him tightly and just kept petting him to show him that we wouldn’t hurt him and gain the cat’s trust,” Erin said.

Love Meow

The cat, dubbed Lucky, was checked out at the vet then sent home with his new forever family to recover from his ordeal. Though badly bruised, Lucky the cat was far from beaten.

Love Meow

Gavin saved Lucky’s life that day, but the good news doesn’t end there.

After hearing about Gavin’s story, a wonderful stranger offered to pay the majority of Lucky’s vet bills. Overcome by the kind gesture, Gavin gave his mom all the money he had, $63, to go toward the total bill.

Love Meow

Lucky is recovering well in his new home and has already started to act like a carefree cat again.

“[He] is so far the sweetest cat I have ever met! He is so mellow and playful and just plain loveable,”gushes Erin. “Lucky is well aware that Gavin saved him and their bond is one I just can’t describe.â€

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