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Students Plan Hilarious Senior Prank For Principal & It Backfires In The Best Way

senior prank bagpipes

The graduating class at Richwoods High School in Peoria, IL, pulled the “all-time best” senior prank this year, and it was loved by all, even by their principal, who happened to be their target.

On Thursday, May 16, principal Billy Robinson was busy with his daily work when he was greeted by a professional bagpipe player named Scott Whitman, who began playing some tunes and didn’t stop.

Members of the school’s boys and girls tennis team had thought long and hard about their senior prank, and they decided to hire the musician to follow their beloved principal everywhere he went and play as loud as he could for exactly one hour.

“I was looking at mariachi bands on Pinterest, the idea was to have them follow [the principal] around,” senior Maggie Moore told Journal Star. “But it was around Cinco de Mayo, and prices were really high, and they were all based out of Chicago.

“So I started thinking about how much I liked bagpipes playing Scottish music when I was growing up,” she continued. “It was Plan B, but it worked better.”

Students captured footage of the prank, and it has been making its way around every social media site. It’s also grabbed the attention of major news outlets. It shows the bagpipe player in full Scottish attire playing traditional tunes while following Billy around the school and outdoors. Billy couldn’t even catch a break while he was trying to have conversations.

The Principal Wasn’t Annoyed By The Prank—He Actually Enjoyed It!

Interestingly, Billy was not at all annoyed by the senior prank. In fact, he respected his students for hatching such an ingenious and wholesome plan. He also enjoyed having live music, free of charge for an hour of his day.

“I had a great time with the guy, he was phenomenal,” Billy told the publication. “Teachers were coming out of classrooms to see what was happening. Kids following along.

“I love bagpipes,” he added. “The kids didn’t know that. He showed up at the office and started playing, said, ‘I’m gonna follow you around for an hour.” I said ‘OK, let’s go.’ He gave the kids their money’s worth. Everyone had a great time.”

But Scott didn’t actually ask for payment. After the kids did their due diligence to get the prank approved by the school board and asked Scott to be their star player, he was so honored, tickled, and impressed, that he said he didn’t need payment. Maggie, however, gave him a $100 gift card anyway.

“I used to teach high school for 7 years. We all know what senior pranks can look like,” said Scott. “Some can be destructive, others leave messes. I had a lot of respect for them figuring something out that avoided all that and was funny.”

You can find the source of this story’s featured image here.

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