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Storm Chaser Saves Family Running From Tornado In Nail-Biting Footage

family running toward storm chaser during tornado

Storm chaser Freddy McKinney has experienced quite a few dangerous situations in his career. The one that took place on May 2 is the perfect example. On this occasion, he had the chance to save four lives. Freddy was trailing a tornado that was tearing through Hodges, Texas when, suddenly, he spotted a family running right toward him. In the distance, their home could be seen — and it was entirely destroyed.

Harrowing footage, as seen in the video below, shows the family calling out for help. As they get closer, Freddy invites them into his car, eager to drive them to the nearest hospital. The sound of fear in their voices is heartbreaking. Thankfully, though, Freddy swooped in just in time to get this family the help they needed. Without doubt, Wes and Kasey Lambert couldn’t be more grateful.

“I remember hearing glass bricks coming down. They were coming down on top of us,” Kasey recalls. “We just continued to brace and hold them as tightly as possible. Wes reached up to cover my head. At that point the suction became so strong it sucked Lane [their son] out of Wes’ arms.”

Lane was lifted 25 feet into the air. Plus, a brick hit the back of his head. Finally, he landed on a pile of insulation, something that no doubt kept him safer. Still, this poor kid was left with a broken wrist and several contusions, bruises, and scrapes.

Wes and Kasey Lambert smile with their two kids, including son Lane, in a hospital. Lane sits in a wheelchair.

“I’ve never met a more courageous family in my life,” Freddy shares. “Kasey and Wes you guys are absolutely rock stars. I’m so glad you guys are doing better. Thank you for sharing this update Bradye.”

Storm Chaser Rescues Texas Family From Tornado Just in Time

Despite the loss of their home, the Lambert family shares they have a lot to be grateful for right now. Firstly, Lane is on the road to recovery. Plus, their community continues to rally behind them as they find a new path forward. This includes Freddy and fellow storm chaser Connor Croff. The two of them were happy to visit the family — and Lane couldn’t have been happier about that, as seen in the photo below.

Lane poses for a photo with storm chaser Freddy McKinney.

“Thank you to everyone that has reached out to help. Currently all immediate needs are met,” Brayde Lynn writes in an update on the family. “Freddy and Connor came to see us. Lane wanted to give Freddy a hug, and named his new stuffed animal after him.”

You can find the source of this story’s featured image here!

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