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Teen Finds Out She Got Into 4 Ivy Leagues And Her Family’s Reaction Is Priceless.

Stephany Gutiérrez has been excelling in school for her entire life, and now she’s reaping the rewards! The senior at Santa Ana High School in California recently applied to a bevy of top-notch colleges, but she had her heart set on getting into an Ivy League university. As the daughter of two undocumented immigrants, Stephany is a first-generation American who truly understands the meaning of hard work.

On the day she got all her college acceptance emails, her family gathered around the computer to hear the news. One by one, she anxiously opened the messages. Columbia University? Accepted! Brown University? Accepted. Dartmouth College? Accepted! And then for the one Stephany was most eager to attend – the ultimate Ivy League, Harvard University….

You guessed it: She got in there, too! Stephany plans to use her excellent education to become a pro bono attorney so she can help people in her community. It’s clear that she’ll have a ton of support along the way! Her family’s precious reaction could move even the most stoic person to tears. They’re so proud of her, and we are, too!

Watch Stephany absolutely crushing life in the video below, and don’t forget to share this moving story.

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