South African Choir Has Audience Jumping To Feet With “Magical” AGT Audition.

south african choir agt

Living in America, it’s sometimes hard to remember just how good we have it. We often forget that in other countries, things like running water, heat, and even a safe place to call home are luxuries that people can only dream of.

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This is the case for the members of the Ndlovu Youth Choir from South Africa. The group recently came together to audition for “America’s Got Talent,” and sang a beautiful song about where they came from and where they dream to go.


The kids in this choir have lived through some very tough times. Many of them have lost their parents, leaving them to raise their siblings and provide for their families. According to the choir’s conductor, the singers live in unthinkable conditions and are surrounded by poverty, which is why he created the choir – to help them find joy through music.

This choir isn’t just any children’s choir, though. These kids have some serious talent and stage presence, which is how they ended up on AGT’s stage.


Their backstories alone had the audience and judges rooting for them, but as soon as they started singing “My African Dream,” it was clear that their talents would take them to the next round.

Their costumes were vibrant, their choreography was in sync, and their voices could rival the best singers of all time.


The audience was so into their performance that they were on their feet clapping along to the beat as they sang. And, they, of course, stayed on their feet to give them a standing ovation at the end of the song.


It came as no shock when judges Howie, Gabrielle, Julianne, and Simon praised the choir for their talent and their energy. Simon told them that he had always been on the lookout for a choir that was different, and they were it. He told them, “I will remember you” – which is huge coming from someone who judges a lot of acts.

To no one’s surprise, the Ndlovu choir received four yeses, meaning they will move on to the next round in the competition.


The choir’s conductor said that his goal is to help these kids realize that “just because you come from poverty, doesn’t mean you are poverty,” and this accomplishment is definitely proof of that.

Prepare to get goosebumps and maybe even tear up a little during the Ndlovu Choir’s breathtaking performance – and be sure to share it with your friends!

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