“So Stinkin’ Cute!” Cop Scoops Up Orphaned Baby Skunks And Reunites Them With Family.

Cambridge MA cops save baby skunks

Skunks sometimes get a bad rap, but they’re actually beneficial predators who eat pests like grubs and rodents. Plus, if you’ve ever seen a baby skunk, or kit, you know they’re drop-dead gorgeous animals!

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Recently, Officer Caitlin Russell of the Cambridge Police Department in Massachusetts was out on a call when she saw another problem that needed her attention. Two tiny skunk kits were milling about on the sidewalk. It was clear they were all alone with no mama in sight, so the cop knew she had to take action.

The officer was understandably concerned that the kits would spray her, since babies as young as 4 months old can already spray their scent. But the babies were docile when Officer Russell approached them, even allowing her to pick them up and examine them. She says she’d never even seen a skunk kit before, but she was impressed with how adorable they are!

“They are so stinkin’ cute!” she told The Dodo.

We couldn’t agree more. Just look at them!

Officer Russell called animal control and took care of them until help arrived. As an animal lover, she was grateful to be able to help these sweet little orphans. She was especially thrilled with the outcome when she learned that earlier that day, animal control had taken in two more baby skunks that they think are from the same litter. The little family was reunited and will be released into the wild once they’re big enough.

“They are in such good care now and their future will be nothing short of great,” said Officer Russell. “[It] made my heart very full and happy to get them reunited and safe.”

It’s official: We have a new favorite animal! Skunks are the cutest baby animals ever, and we’re so happy this cop took the time from her busy day to save these little orphans.

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