21-Yr-Old Mom Trapped In House Fire, Throws Newborn Out Of 2nd Story Window To Save Her Life.

mom with newborn and smoldering house with firefighters

Is there any force on earth as powerful as a mother’s love for her child? Most mothers will tell you they’d do anything to protect a child. Few mothers find themselves in situations where they must prove it with their lives. But recently a young mother named Shelby Carter proved her love for her baby truly was greater than her love for her own life… But her tragic story is touching hearts everywhere.

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It all started just 12 days after Shelby gave birth to her baby. The 21-year-old new mom was in her bedroom on the second-story of the house she shared with her mother when she made a horrifying realization: the house was on fire.

No one knows how much time passed between the moment Shelby realized she was trapped in a burning home and the moment she took life-saving action to save her baby. Investigators say she probably only had seconds to make the bold decision. Whatever the case may be, Shelby realized she and her child were in danger, and she smashed through the glass of her bedroom window. Then Shelby strapped her newborn into a car seat and threw her off the second-story.

Investigators say, that just moments after Shelby threw her baby from the window, a wall of fire and smoke engulfed her bedroom. Shelby was killed by carbon monoxide intoxication from smoke inhalation. But miraculously, because of her quick thinking, her baby only had one minor burn.

Washington Post

In that moment–as the flames rose around her–Shelby had no time to think of herself, but saved her baby just before the room was taken over by smoke and flames. Her decision to throw her 12-day-old out the window in a car seat saved her child’s life; it was the final decision Shelby ever made.

The fact Shelby was able to remain alert in what was undoubtedly a moment of panic, speaks volumes of Shelby’s love for her newborn baby. Ed Foglesonger, chief of the Wyominging-Speer Fire Protection District commented on Shelby’s heroism, saying “It’s just incredible that she was able to pull her thoughts together to save her baby.”

The Stark County Sheriff said the baby is now with Shelby’s mother and “is doing great.”

Washington Post

Now the community in Wyoming, Illinois is rallying around Shelby’s family. A GoFundMe was set up for Shelby’s family and has already raised almost $10 thousand in 2 days!. Volunteer firefighters have been collecting donations for the family as well.

Shelby’s lifelong friend, Anna Steelman, said she wasn’t surprised Shelby lost her life saving her child. “Absolutely not,” she said when asked. “She was a strong girl and if she had a task, she would get it done, even if it meant sacrificing herself. She is a hero and we’re all very proud of her.”

Share Shelby’s heroism today.

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