This Guy Shared His Hysterical Preschool Spelling Fails & Everyone Is Roasting Him.

There’s really nothing quite as funny as browsing through old boxes of report cards, yearbooks, and other relics from our preschool and grade school days.

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When you’re four years old, you’re bound to do embarrassing stuff. After all, it’s not easy mastering things like, you know, the foundations of language. Just ask Salvador Perez Jr. from California.

Salvador recently discovered a certain assignment from his childhood that has the entire Internet roaring.

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While going through some old assignments, he figured out that he was perhaps the most…well…creative speller in his preschool class. Just to paint a mental picture before we get to the actual worksheet, here’s the cutie in question back in the day. Adorable, right?

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So anyway, that little nugget was tasked with a spelling assignment that went a bit off the rails. All he had to do was draw some basic shapes and write the name of each shape underneath. That’s when things got weird:


To reiterate, here we have everyone’s favorite shapes, the chriego, srko, sgr, dimn, sdr, and ritigo. Honestly, I about died when I read “chriego.” When Salvador found this work of art, he obviously showed his mom who then, as mothers do, showed the entire family.

Because he has a sense of humor, he then shared it online because why not make your most endearingly embarrassing childhood relic public? Not shockingly at all, people totally lost it.

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kids spelling errors
salvador perez jr.
kids spelling errors
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And the best part? People used this as an opportunity to share their own hilarious childhood efforts.

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From there, it devolved further into madness with people in the replies roasting each other because what else is the Internet even for?

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Oh, and some people with zero shame shared the fact that they did some wild nonsense in school pretty recently.

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As it turns out, though, teachers who caught wind of the original post were actually really impressed! Slay it, tiny Salvador!

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At the end of the day, it’s clear that this guy has a healthy sense of humor and he’s happy to have given everyone a few laughs along the way.

If his trip down memory lane had you cracking up, be sure to share the wealth with your friends!

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