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42M+ People Have Fallen In Love With Little Boy’s Adorable Treadmill Dance Workout.

salsa treadmill

Exercising on a treadmill can be rather boring – unless you find a way to spice things up.

In a video that’s been viewed an astounding 42 million times, we meet a little boy from Argentina who has managed to find a way to make that boring treadmill walk into a lively dance number that has the entire internet cracking up. Meet Jeremy Lenarduzzi.

dancing treadmill boy

Just one look at this kid tells you everything you need to know about him, namely that he’s incredibly cute and has the kind of personality that jumps through the computer screen at you! Jeremy and his dad, also named Jeremy, share a close bond that seems to stem largely from their shared love of all things music. Dad is in a band, and Jeremy can often be found dancing on the sidelines of his dad’s live shows.


Yet it’s not Jeremy’s dancing at one of his dad’s shows that has earned him the “boy of the moment” moniker online. Instead, it’s a clip that’s just over a minute long that features the child getting his workout in using the family’s treadmill. Clad only in his undies, the boy does a slow jam to some Spanish music and honestly, it’s adorable.


He moves so smoothly you actually forget he’s on a treadmill at all! This is one dance workout we can totally get behind; it’s nice and slow yet so stylistic that we feel like we’re at our favorite restaurant watching Salsa dancers. This kid’s got moves, but he’s pretty subtle about showing them off!


No wonder so many people have viewed and shared this video! This little boy knows how to show off those Latin dance moves like an absolute pro!

Watch Jeremy dancing on the treadmill in the video below, and be sure to share to make someone smile today!

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