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Neighbors Rush To Help Farmer Rescue His 11 Horses That Fell Through Ice.

We’ve all heard that Russia experiences frigid winters. In fact, in the Republic of Bashkortostan, ponds and lakes often develop a layer of ice that’s nearly 20 inches thick.

With that much coverage, these bodies of water can withstand so much weight that farmer Sagitzyan Idiyatullin wasn’t worried that his horses would fall through a nearby pond. Thankfully, when the unthinkable happened, his neighbors were there to rush to their rescue!


Sagitzyan works on his family’s farm, so he gets to interact with dozens of gorgeous animals every day. That’s why he continues to take his horses outside where they can roam and play no matter how cold it gets.


While Sagitzyan and his horses are used to the icy temperatures, they aren’t as experienced with milder weather. In early February, some slightly warmer air made it more manageable for them to head outside, but it also meant the ice wasn’t as thick.

So when some of his horses stepped onto the nearby pond, they fell through and quickly found themselves in a life-threatening situation.


Fortunately, they weren’t alone! Sagitzyan’s community rallied to rescue these wonderful animals from danger.

In a video Sagitzyan posted on Instagram, we see everyone working together to pull the horses far enough out of the water that they can climb out on their own. While they struggle for several minutes, eventually they free every horse.

At the end of the day, everyone went home safe and sound!


What a stunning example of heroism and teamwork! Despite the risk to themselves, they refused to give up on these animals in need.

Watch some of their rescue mission in the video below, and be sure to share this remarkable story with your friends.


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