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“He Is My World.” Reddit Users Help Total Stranger Save Her Sick Cat’s Life.

reddit user rainbowsandbutterfly aka jill posing with her grey cat ashton at a veterinarian visit

Jill’s devastating year started when she lost her brother to brain cancer. Now, she’s trying everything she can to not lose her beloved cat Ashton, too.

The sweet boy was recently diagnosed with feline infectious peritonitis. This relatively rare viral disease is caused by strains of a virus referred to as feline coronavirus, and it’s usually fatal.

On the bright side, a lifesaving medical treatment has become popular in recent years. Although it’s not FDA approved yet, it has already saved countless cat lives. Jill was overjoyed… until she learned the cost was far more than she could afford.

Determined not to lose her feline best friend, she took to the subreddit r/cats for help.

“How can I save him? He was recently diagnosed with F.I.P. and I can’t afford the life saving treatment he needs. I am desperate,” Jill wrote. “He is my world.”

Almost instantly, her post was flooded with comments from fellow cat lovers who were heartbroken for Jill. Countless people began offering to give whatever they could to pay for Ashton’s crucial treatment.

One comment in particular, though, stood out. Reddit user scholarlyfox wrote that after speaking privately with Jill, who kindly provided proof of Ashton’s vet bill and diagnosis, they decided the best way for her to raise the money needed for treatment was to start a GoFundMe.

“I am desperate to save my best friend,” Jill wrote. “He is my emotional support animal and my everything.”

With so many people saying they wanted to donate, Jill had hope that everything would work out. What she didn’t expect, however, was to surpass her $8,000 goal within four hours!

“We did [it] Reddit, we reached our goal, I will be posting updates on Ashton as he starts his treatments. It’s a long road but because of you all I have hope and I am so eternally grateful to everyone,” Jill wrote.

To everyone who has helped, sent tips, believed in me and been supportive, I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart. This is the best community around, I love and appreciate you all. Thank you so much.

It’s amazing what can happen when a group of people comes together for a good cause!

Don’t forget to share this story to wish Ashton a full, speedy recovery.

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